Outdoor life is a big part of our life
2. april 2021
I am a very outdoorsy person. I love to spend my spare time in nature, in our garden and on our patio. I love to take a seat on the patio after a long workday, and eat my dinner, or drink my evening coffee and enjoy the view. Our evenings, together on the patio, give us so much more than those spent in front of the television. We talk more, and we get to enjoy the wildlife, of which there is plenty in and around our large garden.
There is just the one challenge. The situation of our patio, in relation to the cardinal directions, is so that there is never any sun on the patio in the evenings. The spring evenings, the late summer evenings and the evenings in autumn can quickly get quite chilly. But now, we have found a solution to that, with our MASTER-patio heater from Wishco.
Our evenings on the patio can now be prolonged at both ends of the season, which I absolutely love.
The winter does not feel as long and dark to get through, if you can prolong the cosy times on the patio by about a month at both ends of the winter season.
The MASTER-patio heater is really simple to install, and the heating intensity is easily controlled on the enclosed remote control. We have opted for a patio heater on a tripod, so we can move it around.
I look very much forward to summer, with our new MASTER-patio heater. Because, you see, we have often had an otherwise very cosy night with a few guests cut short, because the temperature dropped, and people got cold. I am certain that we will have many great nights, now that we do not have to go inside when it gets cooler. I also very much like the idea that the Wishco patio heaters have such a low energy consumption. We do not need to feel bad about having it switched on for another hour.
About Josefine Gørup Jakobsen: Josefine and her husband Michael live on the Djursland peninsula. In the summer of 2017, the launched the dream of a lifetime by buying the manor house Obdrupgård. You can follow their life and the renovation of the manor house on herregårdsdrømmen.dk or @josefinegoerup.