For Anne and Uffe, the patio is the best place to enjoy life
5. march 2021
Uffe is an engineer, Anne is a nurse. They live in a nice, terraced house with 3 brought together children and stepchildren. And even though it is a great neighbourhood, and the neighbours are tempting them with a beer across the hedges, their own patio is still the best spot:
"We always sit outside! It is the little cosy moments, or a glass of wine on a summer evening which really just adds to our joie-de-vivre." says Uffe. To him, the patio heater means that they can use their patio much more than anyone he knows. And that is because of Wishco MASTER, which is big enough for the entire family to get warm under it. That, in particular, makes Anne happy about it.
"We can all sit out here and have a great time. And I can adjust the heating with the remote control, which is really simple, even for someone as "technically challenged" as myself," she laughs.

When the guests never leave
On a summer evening, when the barbeque has been lit, and the conversation just flows, time flies. But when dusk falls, and the sun has gone down, the guests would normally start heading home. For Uffe and Anne, things are different.
"Our guests seem to never want to leave, once we have switched on our MASTER," she says, laughing, "of course, that´s just lovely, you know, that we have a place where everybody loves to be."
However, the couple primarily bought the patio heater, so that they would benefit from it themselves. The sunsets, the garden cosiness, and the calm outside provides a quality of life for the family which cannot be measured, they say. Uffe, in particular, is very happy with the heating lamp. When you work a lot, as Anne and Uffe both do, it is important that your home provides you with opportunities for relaxation and re-energizing.
The quality is tangible
"My colleague, Michael, has a patio heater as well, but they hardly ever sit outside. I actually suspect that they may have bought some cheap stuff which does not work properly," says Uffe.To him, Wishco MASTER is fantastic, because it actually works in the way that it is supposed to work.
"It just cannot be true that there is such a big difference between patio heaters, but actually, yes, there is," he points out. And even if the big barbecue tries its best to make a good case for itself in terms of answering the question of what may be the best garden accessory, there is no doubt: Uffe loves his patio heater.
"I will not swap my MASTER for anything." he laughs, "I can do without the steaks, if need be. I cannot do without my MASTER."