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No luck with the lottery today either?

You do not have to be a millionaire to own a Wishco. Actually, Wishco trumps any heating solution based on gas – and this applies to both the environmental impact and the consumption. That is why we make heating lamps.

The cost of a Wishco

We have spent a lot of time on developing, adjusting, and improving technology, shape, and heating efficiency and, thus, also the operating economy. Wishco is about heating for everyone, and the prices ought to match that. We have ended up with a product that is cheaper to run than heating lamps running on gas, when you need warmth.

If you use a patio heater running on gas from spring to fall, you will quickly accumulate a consumption of the size of 200 operating hours a year. The cost in gas alone will be a hefty budget post - typically more than 1,030 EURO.

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A Wishco Mini 1500 covers roughly the same area as an ordinary gas heater, so we may choose it for a viable comparison. At the same consumption, 200 operating hours a year, that is, you will only spend a little 54 EURO – or 0,32 EURO per hour. Do 200 hours sound like an awful lot? Well, let us say 100 operating hours. Here, the bill would end up somewhere around 27 EURO for a year.

Thus, you will save roughly 980 EURO a year, when you choose a Wishco over a patio heater running on gas. It keeps your wallet feeling warm and comfy.

If the economics of the operation cannot be a great sales point, then we do not know what it is.

Wishcos patio heaters
